J-1 Exchange Visitor Program for Scholars and Student Interns
The University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus is committed to providing a safe and supportive work environment for all faculty, staff, and visitors. The University has policies that govern how members of our community treat each other and resources to help you if you experience inappropriate treatment.
As an employee you can expect to
The university has policies that govern the workplace:
Code of Conduct - https://www.cu.edu/ope/aps/2027
The university is committed to the principle of non-discrimination and does not tolerate harassment on any basis, including race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation, or political philosophy. Members of the university community are expected to treat colleagues, co-workers, and students with respect, professionalism, and dignity in all interactions and communications.
Workplace Bullying – https://www.cu.edu/ope/aps/5059
This policy prohibit workplace bullying, including conduct that is threatening, humiliating or intimidating, work sabotage and any related retaliation.
Anti-Violence Policy–https://www.ucdenver.edu/docs/librariesprovider284/default-document-library/4000-human-resources/4005---anti-violence-policy.pdf?sfvrsn=32e3ccba_2
University employees, students, affiliates, and visitors are prohibited from and will be held accountable for any intimidating, threatening, or hostile statements or actions that unreasonably disrupts the work or learning environment, causes undue emotional distress to another, or creates a reasonable fear of injury to a person. Prohibited behavior includes using ethnic, racial, or sexual epithets.
Ombuds Office - https://www.ucdenver.edu/offices/ombudsoffice
Anschutz: 303.724.2950
Denver: 303.315.0046
The Ombuds Office provides guidance, information and insight and is:
Office of Equity
E-mail: equity@ucdenver.edu | Telephone: 303.315.2567
The Office of Equity (OE) offers a variety of supportive measures to ensure all members of the CU Denver and CU Anschutz community have access to a safe and nondiscriminatory environment. The OE considers the needs of all involved parties; providing resources for individuals who have experienced behavior prohibited under applicable policies and those accused of prohibited conduct.
Office of Professional Excellence
E-mail: Professionalism@cuanschutz.edu | Telephone: 303.724.4776
The CU Anschutz Office of Professional Excellence provides a resource for assessment, education, conflict resolution and remediation regarding professionalism in the teaching, clinical and research environment. Unprofessional behaviors include: Disruptive behaviors; actions, words or behaviors that a learner, colleague, co-worker or patient would reasonably consider to be humiliating, demeaning or uncivil. Disruptive behaviors include: verbal attacks or outbursts; profane language; bullying, throwing or breaking things; boundary violations; and comments that are rude, disrespectful, threatening or belittling.