Celebrate Spooky Season at the Halloween Ball
Happy PAL-O-Ween!
Oct 4, 2024
The weather is getting cooler, the PSL is back at Starbucks, and we are so close to being able to crunch our boots in the Colorado fall leaves!
As the weather shifts, so does our programming for our students. During the month of October, the Peer Advocate Leader (PAL) office will be hosting PAL-O-Ween, which is our month of programming for CU Denver students. During this month, we will be hosting a variety of programs, movie watch parties, study hangout opportunities, and so much more. To see our full list of events, check out MyLynx and follow us on Instagram at @cudenverpal!
Every year, the PAL office also partners with the Office of International Affairs to host the Halloween Ball, which is one of our signature events. This year, Halloween Ball will take place in the Tivoli Turnhalle on October 25th from 7:00pm-10:00pm. This event is free for CU Denver students and will include a variety of fun activities, including dancing, a costume contest, face painting, and so much more! We strongly encourage students to RSVP prior to the event, as space is limited in Turnhalle. Guests must also be CU Denver students to attend. Visit MyLynx in October for more event details.
As you continue through your semester at CU Denver, please know that the PAL office and First-Year Experience (FYE) program are here to support you! Whether you attend our events or want to set up a time to meet with a PAL or staff member, we want to make sure we get you connected to CU Denver and help you find your place at our university. We hope to see you at our events this month!