Are you a Microsoft Windows 7 hold-out?
Jul 8, 2019
If you are a diehard Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System (OS) user and have been holding out to make the switch, it’s time NOW to consider the inevitable. The countdown clock from Microsoft is running down, with less than five months remaining before support ends and you will no longer be able to use your Windows 7 system at the university.
Before January 14, all Windows 7 OS’s either need to be upgraded to a new operating system, rebuilt using a new operating system or replaced with new hardware that runs a new OS – Windows 10. Microsoft’s end-of-support for Windows 7 announcement last year means that without technical assistance and software updates from Microsoft, OIT will no longer have the ability to provide patches for any new viruses or security issues.
Because Windows 7 end-of-support will happen before the start of the spring 2020 semester, a dual campus goal has been set to have all Windows 7 PCs upgraded to Windows 10 by early January 2020. Notification reminders will begin going out this summer to remind Windows 7 users that this change is coming and to contact their IT team or the CU Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus Office of Information (OIT) Service Desk for guidance. You can read more at our Windows 7 end-of-support project help page.
Before January 14, all Windows 7 OS’s either need to be upgraded to a new operating system, rebuilt using a new operating system or replaced with new hardware that runs a new OS – Windows 10. Microsoft’s end-of-support for Windows 7 announcement last year means that without technical assistance and software updates from Microsoft, OIT will no longer have the ability to provide patches for any new viruses or security issues.
Because Windows 7 end-of-support will happen before the start of the spring 2020 semester, a dual campus goal has been set to have all Windows 7 PCs upgraded to Windows 10 by early January 2020. Notification reminders will begin going out this summer to remind Windows 7 users that this change is coming and to contact their IT team or the CU Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus Office of Information (OIT) Service Desk for guidance. You can read more at our Windows 7 end-of-support project help page.
IT Security
microsoft windows 7
operating system