Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Software, Support and Services

Tools and Services

Browse all OIT tools and services or search for a specific tool or service using the search box or filters.

These tools, software, and programs have all been vetted by our security and compliance team and are supported by our service desk.

Digital Signage for CU Denver

Category: Marketing and Communications OIT - Type of software Room Scheduling Audience: Faculty Staff Students
The OIT digital team is available to assist with: wayfinding and maps, department and campus event information, and room scheduling information signs.Digital signage displays across the Denver campus display important announcements, event information, and campus updates. The Denver OIT AV team is here to help bridge the gap by providing initial support and directing you to the correct Digital Signage team for specific assistance.
Denver Digital Display

Why Use Digital Signage

Digital signage provides an opportunity to display daily classroom and event scheduling information as well as flyers to promote campus activities. Need assistance creating digital signs? The OIT digital team is available to assist with:
  • Wayfinding and maps
  • Department information, employee highlights, and scheduling information
  • EMS (room scheduling system) signs

Need Building Approval?

Have a building flyer that needs approval? Email your 8x11 .pdf or .jpeg flyers for approval to the Denver Campus digital display contact in Facilities and please include the date range for posting in your email.

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