
Category: OIT - Categories Software Audience: Faculty Researchers Staff Students
EndNote is the industry standard software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references. It is available for university students, faculty, and staff at no cost.
Access EndNote

Welcome to EndNote

The industry standard software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references. EndNote will link up with your word processor to automatically format in-text citations in the style of your choosing. For information on EndNote features and capabilities, please visit this EndNote LibGuide. To learn more about the newest version of EndNote, visit the EndNote 21 training resources webpage.

Using EndNote

The university's site licenseEndNote 21 for Windows and macOSis available at no cost for all faculty, staff and students. 

Training Resources

Getting Started

As part of the university's site license, Clarivate Analytics offers free training and support including recorded trainings, live expert-led WebEx sessions and downloadable materials. Training calendar information is available here.

The Strauss Health Sciences Library at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus offers free, weekly hands-on classes on EndNote, as well as an open questions lab weekly. Register for training.

The Auraria Library offers assistance with EndNote via research consultations and the library's EndNote Research Guide

Additional Resources

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