Feb. 18, 2021
As with many vaccine distribution sites, the Health Center at Auraria
did not receive any vaccine allocation from the state this past week (Feb. 8 – 12). Currently, the vaccine supply chain is limited, and the state's priority is to fulfill second dose requests. Each week the Health
Center at Auraria will place orders for the vaccine with the hope that once the supply chain increases, these orders will be filled in full or in part. We know that many of you are eager for the opportunity to get your COVID-19 vaccination
as distribution continues to roll out across Colorado and the nation. We will keep you informed of the Health Center’s vaccine availability and those eligible for each phase through weekly updates. The Health Center at Auraria manages
the Auraria distribution site through a partnership with COVIDCheck Colorado and its contractor, Primary Bio.
I encourage you to visit the Health Center at Auraria website, where you will find answers to many commonly asked questions on our FAQ page. You may also email the Health Center with additional questions. The Auraria Campus
community is encouraged to get their COVID-19 vaccine at their first opportunity to do so. If you have vaccine access through your healthcare provider or another community option, we encourage you to take the earliest opportunity to be vaccinated.
Steve Monaco, Director
Health Center at Auraria
We continue to await word from state and federal health officials on when the vaccine will be available for our Point of Dispensing (POD) site at the Fifth Street Garage. We remain hopeful that we will have the resources in hand to start vaccinations for priority groups near the end of February. We anticipate that the Health Center at Auraria POD vaccination process will extend into the fall semester as we follow state priority guidelines for Phase 1 (Winter), Phase 2 (Spring), and Phase 3 (Summer).