Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Updates & Messages

To keep our community safe and supported this semester, we will be providing weekly updates on COVID-19-related news, resources, announcements, and more. 

Updated September 26, 2022

What's New

Colorado Medicaid now accepted at the Health Center at Auraria

The Health Center at Auraria is now an approved Colorado Medicaid provider for medical and mental health care services for Auraria Campus students, faculty, and staff. For patients who are either uninsured or who are unable to use their insurance, the Health Center at Auraria offers a 50 percent discount for payment at the time-of-service for all care provided. Call the health center at 303-615-9999 to schedule an appointment.

In addition, CU Denver’s Single Stop provides local and governmental resources such as Medicaid, WIC, housing, etc.

Omicron-Specific COVID-19 Boosters Available at the Health Center at Auraria

Appointments for COVID-19 boosters and flu shots will be open starting September 19, 2022. Based on data, the bivalent COVID-19 booster is expected to provide increased protection against the highly contagious omicron variant. The health center has both Pfizer and Moderna doses available. Get your annual flu shot at the same time to help prevent spikes in flu and COVID-19 cases this fall and winter. To schedule your appointment now, click here .

MPV Vaccines Available at the Health Center at Auraria

CDC recommends vaccinations for people who have been exposed to MPV (monkeypox) and anyone who is at higher risk of being exposed to MPV. The Health Center at Auraria has the MPV vaccines (called Jynneos) available.

If you have questions about MPV testing or vaccinations, visit the Health Center at Auraria or call 303-615-9999.

Important Reminders

Mental Health Resources

Caring for our mental health during these uncertain times is essential. Below are resources available to students, faculty, and staff.

Mental Health

  • You@CUDenver: Tips and tools for taking care of your health, education, relationships, and more. Free for students, faculty and staff.
  • Nod: Opportunities and ideas for student connection. Free for CU Denver students.
  • Counseling Center: Therapeutic individual, group, couples and crisis counseling for CU Denver students. This service is free and confidential.
  • Colorado Crisis Services: Confidential mental health support hotline available 24/7.
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Free confidential support available 24/7 for people in distress, including suicide prevention and crisis resources.
  • CU Denver Psychology Clinic: High-quality, compassionate therapeutic services offered in a confidential setting.
  • Phoenix Center at Auraria: Free, confidential services for survivors of interpersonal violence.

Training and Support

  • CU Denver Red Folder: Resources and guidance for faculty and staff on how to identify and respond to students in distress.
  • Mental Health First Aid Courses: Free, 8-hour certification course for faculty, staff, and students.
  • You Can Help a Friend: Free, 1-hour, online course for students.
  • You can Help a Student: Free, 1-hour, online course for faculty.
  • CU Denver CARE Team: The Campus, Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team provides support and resources to students who are struggling. Anyone can submit a CARE Report if they are concerned for a student’s wellbeing.

COVID-19 Case Self-Reporting Process

All CU Denver community members are required to fill out this COVID-19 self-report form if they:

  • Have had exposure to a COVID-19 confirmed case
  • Are having or have experienced COVID-19-like symptoms
  • Have received a positive COVID-19 test result

Disability Accommodations 

Because of the ongoing requirement for unvaccinated individuals to wear masks on campus, individuals with disabilities may need accommodations. Students  encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Resources at and employees can contact Human Resources at   

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