Student Life helps CU Denver students navigate elections through informative events, resource sharing, and promoting voter-friendly practices.
Register to vote, learn about upcoming elections, and discover new ways to engage in local government.
In the State of Colorado, voters can register in person, online, or by printing a voter registration form, filling it out, and mailing it to your local elections office. You can register any day leading up to the election and can register in person on election day. If you want to receive a mail-in ballot, your application must be received by the designated election official by the close of business on the 7th day before the election. Please keep in mind that if you would like to receive the ballot by mail, 7 days may not be a sufficient amount of time to receive, vote, and return your ballot.
The following offices are designated as voter registration locations in Denver:
Make sure to check your voter registration and that all of your information is correct, including your mailing address. If you have moved since the last time you voted or changed you name, you can update your information by filling out this form or by editing your registration.
Want to learn more to effectively participate in elections? Check out these three videos on the Student Life YouTube channel, created by the Auraria Voter Education Committee.
Voter Education 101: Evaluating Ballot Initiatives & Candidates
Voter Education 101: Campaign Finance Reform
Voter Education 101: Judicial Retention
WUE/WRGP Voter Resources
Can I vote in the state where I'm enrolled in school, if I'm a WUE or WRGP Student?
Students are often approached to register to vote on campus. Everyone should exercise their right to vote, but WUE and WRGP student attending school outside their home state should proceed with caution is asked to register to vote on their school campus.
Maintain residency tied to your home state and plan well in advance of an elections. Students are encouraged to register to vote by absentee mail ballot in their home state.
Learn more about voting as a WUE/WRGP student from the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.
Are you passionate about helping turn out the vote with college students or ways we can be a more voter-friendly campus? Email us at with the subject line Voter Engagement, and we can help connect you with great opportunities to get more involved!