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The CFDA provides programs, resources, and services that support faculty as they work toward rank advancement; grow as leaders in their departments, communities and fields; and thrive as members of the University community.  The CFDA provides grants for faculty professional development opportunities, several mentoring programs, tenure and promotion support, a library of successful dossier models, dossier building support, professional development programs, and communities of practice. 

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AMC Half-Day Writing Retreat (2 of 2)

| 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM

We all know how hard it can be to set time aside for academic writing. If we are at home children, chores and other daily life responsibilities usually pull us away – even if we have set purposefully time aside. At work, it is nearly impossible not to get interrupted by colleagues, emails, and responsibilities. These writing retreats are conceptualized to allow you, together with colleagues, a few hours of uninterrupted time (they will be neither in your office nor in your home):

  • to jump-start a new writing project,
  • to pick one up that has set on the shelves for a while, but you are trying to get going again,
  • to revise a paper,
  • to finish one,
  • -or to simply give you some space to focus on brainstorming new writing project ideas.

Each writing retreat will be 4-hours long, in-person on the Anschutz Campus. If you are really dedicated to make progress, you can sign up for both sessions offered on a given day. In advance of the workshop, you will be provided with some goal setting and planning material so you can get started with your writing project as soon as you arrive.

If academic writing is not your favorite thing to do and you have a hard time getting it done on your own, then a writing retreat might be the right thing for you. Writing together as a group can help with motivation and the Writing Faculty Fellow, Dr. Sonja Ziniel, will be on hand during the writing retreat for support so you can achieve the goals you set yourself for the retreat.

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