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The CFDA provides programs, resources, and services that support faculty as they work toward rank advancement; grow as leaders in their departments, communities and fields; and thrive as members of the University community.  The CFDA provides grants for faculty professional development opportunities, several mentoring programs, tenure and promotion support, a library of successful dossier models, dossier building support, professional development programs, and communities of practice. 

Upcoming Events

NCFDD Workshop: What I Wish I Would Have Known as a New Faculty Member

| 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

From NCFDD: As many universities and colleges prepare to start the new academic year, many scholars are preparing to transition into the role of a new full-time faculty member. In this session, a panel of Assistant Professors from different disciplines and institutions will share their experience, insight, and advice to help support the success of new full-time faculty members.


Note: Please register for the session at: https://www.facultydiversity.org/webinars/newfacultydiscussion

If you haven’t made your free NCFDD account yet, please do so before you register. Instructions are available at: https://www.ucdenver.edu/centers/cfda/faculty-resources/ncfdd

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