Whether you're a tenured faculty member, or just starting out your career with CU Denver, we may have a grant for you!
The Center for Faculty Development and Advancement operates under the Office of Faculty Affairs, which provides academic leadership resources, oversees faculty processes, and organizes faculty awards/recognition events.
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Faculty careers are long, characterized by many transitions from achieving tenure and promotion to balancing work and family. The longest stage of the faculty career is the mid-career stage, which includes recently tenured associate professors up to faculty colleagues who are 10 years out from retirement. The purpose of this webinar is to assist mid-career faculty across the academy in navigating through various mid-career transitions and career paths successfully. Together, we will focus on three critical concepts: Your Contribution, the PSEI (Purpose, Scope, Evidence of Impact) Framework, and a Mentoring Needs Inventory. Tools, strategies, and frameworks will be offered to support your growth and career advancement.
Note: No matter which modality you will use for participation, please register via NCFDD at https://www.facultydiversity.org/webinars/makingthecasewk1