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The CFDA provides programs, resources, and services that support faculty as they work toward rank advancement; grow as leaders in their departments, communities and fields; and thrive as members of the University community.  The CFDA provides grants for faculty professional development opportunities, several mentoring programs, tenure and promotion support, a library of successful dossier models, dossier building support, professional development programs, and communities of practice. 

Upcoming Events

Highlighting the Impact of Your Research and Scholarly Work

| 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
The Impact of Research workshop will help you determine the impact of your research through journal impact factors, citations per article, and h-index. Strategies for documenting your impact effectively will also be reviewed. The workshop will also provide a short overview of altmetrics, an alternative to the “traditional” metrics that take into account new methods of impact including social media.
  • Participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the different types of metrics to demonstrate impact.
  • Participants will be able to use resources in order to find the impact of journals, articles, and individuals.

Facilitated by Kelly McCusker
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