The Office of Faculty Affairs coordinates a variety of activities associated with faculty and academic-related processes on the CU Denver Campus and CU Anschutz Medical Campus.
The office of Faculty Affairs assists faculty and academic officers with evaluation procedures consistent with the CU Faculty Handbook and the Regents' laws and policies. The office coordinates the two Vice Chancellor's Advisory Committees for RTP that advise the Provost on matters of faculty promotion, tenure and comprehensive reviews on the Denver and Anschutz Medical Campuses.
Outside hires with tenure processes are coordinated with the schools and colleges and the office of Faculty Affairs.
Post-tenure review (PTR) is required of all tenured faculty at five-year intervals. The reviews are conducted by primary units and PTR reports are submitted to the office of Faculty Affairs.
The office of Faculty Affairs assists with the completion and approval of sabbatical applications on both campuses.
The office of Faculty Affairs prepares all academic-related items for submission to the Board of Regents.
The new Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) digital tool for the CU Denver campus is easy to use, assures access to validated and accurate information, and provides the kind of data and reports that will empower faculty to tell their story, inform accreditation processes, and provide university leadership with insights into the breadth and depth of faculty activities, accomplishments and contributions.
The office of Faculty Affairs follows the CU System Administrative Policy Statement (APS) 5060, Faculty Appointments in requesting a designation of emeritus/emerita status for retired faculty members. All emeritus/emerita requests are approved by the Chancellor.