Alert: The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 1, 2025.

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University Curriculum Committee (UCC)


This body of faculty from each of the seven downtown schools and colleges will:

  • ​Review new course and program proposals from all course-generating units, including but not limited to schools and colleges.
  • Review course and program proposals to ensure academic quality.
  • Encourage deans and other heads of all course-generating units to consult and collaborate with each other before proposing courses and programs. 
  • Encourage deans of all schools and colleges to institute elected curriculum committees, if they have not already. Membership in the UCC should come from elected members of those committees.

Toward these ends:

  • ​The UCC will operate with full transparency, posting OneDrive links to all proposals and other operating documents on its website. The OneDrive folder will be accessible through individuals' CU Denver passwords.
  • The committee will notify the designated contact person in all schools and colleges whenever it receives a proposal, makes a decision, or forwards a proposal to the Provost. Decisions will also be posted on the website.
  • The UCC shall report its activities and decisions to the Faculty Assembly and the Provost as appropriate. It shall also cooperate fully with other shared governance bodies and all campus administrative units.

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