Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Page Redirecting on Edit Bug

The problem

When you edit a page from Sitefinity, you are redirected to a public page, potentially on an entirely different multisite.

The Workaround

In our August 2020 code release, we added in the functionality to authenticate on domains other than where this bug occurs.

You can sign in on any URL that serves Sitefinity, such as the following:

If you know what URL your site is on and it's not on, you can go to your site's homepage, scroll to the bottom, and click the CMS Login button like you normally would.

If your site URL is on or you are otherwise unsure of your site URL, you can use to follow these steps:

Click the CMS Login button on a domain

Once you sign in and use the pencil menu to access the dashboard, you should see

Sitefinity dashboard on domain

Now you should be able to edit pages without experiencing this issue. If you do experience issues make sure to use this form to report the bug.


There is a different bug related to the pencil menu that will return a 404 - Page Not Found error. If you encounter this bug, visit this article to see how to remedy it.


CMS Login