Free Application Days Extended To: Oct. 24, 2024

Submit your application to CU Denver by Oct. 24, 2024 and your $50 application fee will be waived.

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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Welcome to @Web

Resources to help you create great Sitefinity content

Report a bug

Something is wrong. Widgets aren't working correctly. The site is acting funky. There's a problem.

Let us know so we can fix it!

Report a bug

Request a new feature

The current CMS just doesn't do it for you. You have a specific need that would improve Sitefinity for all users.

Let us know so we can build it!

Request a new feature

Ask a question

You need help. You're unsure how to do something. You're confused. You have a specific, detailed question.

Let us know so we can answer you!

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Register for Remote Open Lab

One-on-one help every Monday


Learn more about these basic CMS building blocks

Content Block

The content block is really versatile and is perfect for any type of content including text, images, videos and much more!

Hero Image

The hero image widget is perfect for grabbing the audience's attention with a strong visual that represents your site.


The card widget is perfect for promoting an article, event, class or program using teaser information with a link to more details.

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