Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Attendance Accommodation

Students with an approved attendance accommodation through the Office of Disability Resources and Services have engaged in the interactive process by discussing the need and providing appropriate documentation to DRS. DRS has established a clear nexus between the disability related impacts and the accommodation. Accommodations are intended to mitigate institutional barriers to the educational experience.

As with all disability related accommodations, the attendance accommodation will be determined on an individual, case-by-case basis depending on:

  1. The extent to which the submitted documentation supports the need for an attendance accommodation, and
  2. The individual requirements, fundamental nature, and essential elements associated with each specific course; discussion between DRS and the course instructor is typically required to determine to what extent the attendance accommodation needs to be applied.

Below is a list of guidelines and a set of questions to help assess attendance:

Class attendance is typically important for a student to master the content, knowledge, and/or skills taught in a course. While instructors are encouraged to establish an attendance policy that appropriately aligns with the learning objective of the course, the University recognizes that a student with a disability may not be able to attend class sessions due to disability related reasons. In these instances, the University of Colorado Denver makes every effort to reasonably accommodate a student’s disability related needs. A reasonable accommodation does not fundamentally alter the nature of the academic course; academic requirements are not generally waived, and students are typically required to fulfill all course requirements.

Students with attendance accommodations are advised to stay in close communication with DRS to help ensure they receive any necessary support, review, and address their individual circumstances. Instructors are also encouraged to contact DRS with any attendance-related concerns.

It is critical for DRS and faculty members to communicate regarding essential or fundamental academic course requirements as they relate to a student with a disability. If a concern arises regarding the number of absences a student with an attendance accommodation accrues in the course, DRS will aid in determining appropriate and reasonable outcomes in congruence with the course’s learning objectives. Faculty are strongly encouraged to contact DRS to discuss as soon as concerns arise.

Students are required to fulfill all course requirements and will be held to the same evaluation standards as specified in the course syllabus. It is recommended to state the course’s specific attendance requirements on the course syllabus prior to the start of the course so students are aware of the course requirements well before the drop deadline. Since course attendance policies may not be rigidly applied for students with an attendance accommodation, the following questions need to be considered to equitably assess this student’s attendance. DRS can assist in determining the answers to the following questions:

  • Is there classroom interaction between the instructor and students and among the students themselves?
  • Do student contributions in class constitute a significant component of the learning process?
  • Does the fundamental nature of the course rely on student participation as an essential method of learning?
  • To what degree does a student’s failure to attend class constitute a significant loss to the educational experience of other students in the class?
  • What does the course description and syllabus say regarding attendance?
  • By what method is the final grade calculated?

An attendance accommodation does not mean that unlimited absences are permitted. The attendance accommodation is in place only for those absences related to the student’s disability and to the extent absences do not represent a fundamental alteration of the course.

The number of absences a student may accrue as a reasonable accommodation will be determined on a case-by-case basis through conversation between DRS and each course instructor, depending on the student’s individual disability, the nature of the course, and the degree to which class attendance is an essential requirement of the specific course.

Students who are approved and use their attendance accommodation are advised to contact instructors as soon as they are able regarding their disability related absence and related make-up work. It is recommended that students document each disability related absence with a timely email directly to the instructor. DRS is available to assist faculty in the event a student misses an exam or quiz due to a disability related absence.

Given the chronic nature of many conditions, it is not generally necessary or appropriate for the student to visit a clinician or receive a doctor’s note to substantiate each absence.

If a student is approved for an attendance accommodation mid-semester, it is important to be aware that accommodations are not retro-active. If a student with a newly approved attendance accommodation has already missed a considerable number of classes prior to approval, faculty are encouraged to connect with DRS to determine what is reasonable.

If attendance is an essential element of the course, students should be aware that absences may still have a negative impact on their academic performance due to missing content and experiential learning while in the classroom. For this reason, students should make every attempt to attend class and to observe deadlines of assignments. Additionally, students are still responsible for completing all assignments and communicating directly with faculty about absences.

Please contact DRS at 303-315-3510 with questions or concerns.

Disability Resources and Services

CU Denver

Student Commons Building

1201 Larimer Street


Denver, CO 80204


Fax (303) 315-3515

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