Deja vu Rendezvous – Denver Construction Industry Raises Nearly $250,000 for ATP
Oct 22, 2019
Twelve years ago, when a small (but mighty) group of “Old Timers” from the industry nostalgically recalled iconic company parties thrown over the decades, they realized it was time for a revival. Some of these individuals were already involved in noble causes at the time, serving on boards and advisory councils of non-profit organizations in Denver. When they coupled their want of another great networking party with their call to serve, a steering committee was formed, and the first Déjà vu Rendezvous was born. According to Marc Able, P.E. of Able Consulting Group and Chairman of the Déjà vu Rendezvous committee, “a handful of friends decided to invite their friends to a get-together, each assigned to invite 10 guests. 90 invitations went out, and 82 people showed up” for that first party.
This year, over 785 construction industry professionals attended the 12th annual Déjà vu Rendezvous celebration. The steering committee includes over 20 women and men from the most respected construction, consulting and utility companies in Denver. 120 companies sponsored the event, and almost ¼ of a million dollars was raised to help Assistive Technology Partners meet its mission of empowering individuals with disabilities to reach their highest potential through the use of assistive technology. Fundraising efforts have helped us reach this goal by hiring additional clinical staff, by providing exemplary clinical services, consultation, education, research and innovative technology development, and by developing an exciting academic program in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Colorado.
For more information about Déjà vu Rendezvous, please visit, or contact Angela at