ICB Welcome Party
![students performing on stage students performing on stage](https://www.ucdenver.edu/images/librariesprovider261/default-album/1_256276311.jpg?sfvrsn=7697c0ba_0)
Reporter: Yunsheng Ma
Editor: Xianghan Ma
There’s no better way to start a new semester than with a little party.
On September 25th, a welcome party was held in the Recruitment Hall on the third floor of the Princess Building. Freshmen and new foreign professors gathered together to celebrate the beginning of a fantastic new fall semester at ICB (Beijing).
The party was kicked off by a classical rock song, “Hey Jude,” which took participants back to the era of The Beatles. Melodies then took the stage. ICB students Chenxu Wang and Ting Shang performed two beautiful English songs, “New Soul” and “Speak Now,” and Fanyuan Luo performed a graceful Chinese song, “Ding Xiang Flowers,” then Hemin Huang performed “Xing Qing.” Audiences were immersed in the moving scenes of these lovely rhythms.
The pace picked up even more when the “hot” cheerleaders of the Etiquette Team danced a sexy Korean dance, followed with a performance of Ke$ha’s famous single, “Tik Tok” by Yiting Liu. A fantastic saxophone performance followed with the famous love song, “My Heart Will Go On,” from the Titanic.
After all the singing and dancing, time had come for a little interaction. Faculty from the Psychology Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, played interesting mini-games with the audience. The professors and students were divided into two teams for the competition. After three fun matches, the winners received their gifts; meanwhile the losing team was punished by having to drink a bitter juice. Then the party resumed to three more singing and dancing performances.
At the end, the party planners – members of the Art and Culture Department – walked onstage to thank everyone. After the party, when asked about how they felt, the members said it was actually quite an exhausting event to prepare and stage. But when the party was finally held successfully and finished, the weight was lifted from their shoulders; and they definitely felt that all their efforts were worthwhile.
The party ended with rousing cheers and applause. It was a huge success. Everyone–students, friends, and faculty alike–had a wonderful time. And they are looking forward to other events that ICB will be hosting.
This is definitely a fun start for an arduous semester.
19时整,晚会序幕在组合Helen’s cafe band优雅的钢琴和抒情的吉他声中拉开,主唱高亢的声音迅速调动了在场气氛,在同学们热烈的掌声中,四位主持人上台,宣布国际学院2013迎新晚会正式开始。
灯光打响,一系列节目开始上演。歌曲串烧是晚会的经典节目,今年分外精彩。由吴桐、孙明威带来的《new soul》,清新迷人;传播一班李晓宇演唱的《speak now》表达着不再犹豫的决心和勇气;农经二班王晨旭、尚颖同学诠释了《丁香花》,一把吉他,一人独唱,低沉的歌声和忧郁的琴声感染了在场所有人。黄河泯同学的出场引发了一阵叫好,他演唱的《星晴》受到了同学们的热烈欢迎。紧接着,在所有人都以为精彩已经足够的时候,礼仪队带来了一场舞蹈盛宴,七个高挑玉立的姑娘的热辣舞蹈将全场气氛推向高潮。
高昂的情绪还在继续。由外联部带来的小品《非诚勿扰》模仿当下正火的交友节目,契合大学生生活的重点内容,整个节目笑声不断,起哄不断。经济六班的刘旖婷同学带来《tik tok》,集独舞和独唱与一身,向大家展示了她闪光的一面。随后,泰坦尼克号视频在大屏幕播放,全场屏息凝神,萨克斯独奏《我心永恒》让熟悉的旋律再次响起,醉人心弦。
游戏过后,农经二班的高博伟和金融一班李婷带来了个性张扬的Rap《差不多先生》,接着街舞社帅气登场,火爆动感的街舞表演将现场气氛再一次推至高潮。活力十足的表演后,大二年纪的杨宸与新生一起演唱《海阔天空》等歌曲串烧,不少同学在台下跟唱经典曲目。之后,兰梦涵用深沉、穿透力极强的嗓音与罗凡媛唯美抒情的歌声带来一曲《It’s my life》。
International College Beijing
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