Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Reminder: Web Accessibility Compliance Law in effect

The new Colorado accessibility law, HB21-1110, affects university websites and went into effect July 1, 2024. This means that university website owners/content managers must ensure your website content meets the minimum web accessibility standards.

Learn how to meet accessibility standards

Search and Filter Content Type

The search and filter content type provides a versatile way to display a lot of information using a list, card, or accordion design with flexible content fields, search, and filter options. This robust content type is designed to meet a variety of website editor needs for displaying information, similar to a knowledge base.

You will need to request this content type be added to your website by emailing To use this content type, you will first need to build search and filter items in the Content tab of Sitefinity. Then, you will use the search and filter widget to display the items on a page.


There are three design options for displaying the search and filter content type. Examples of the design templates are below:

Search and filter list

Exception occurred while executing the controller. Check error logs for details.

Search and filter card

Exception occurred while executing the controller. Check error logs for details.

Clickable card

Exception occurred while executing the controller. Check error logs for details.

Search and filter accordion

Exception occurred while executing the controller. Check error logs for details.

How to

To use the search and filter content type, you will first need to build search and filter items in the Content tab in Sitefinity. Then, you will add the search and filter widget to a page to display the items.

Create search and filter items

1. Open the Content tab at the top of Sitefinity and select "Search and Filter".

2. Select the "Create a search and filter" button at the top right of the page.

3. Enter the title for your item.

4. Under Type, select the plus button and pick your item type.

Select an item type from the available options after clicking plus button under Type field

5. Fill out the remainder of the fields as applicable, such as:

  • Subtitle
  • Description
  • Add an image
  • Call to action button
  • Add a document/file

6. Once you get to the Filters and Tagging section, select the plus button under each filter category to pick an existing tag or add a new one.

Select plus button under filter options to select or add new tags

To add a new tag, type out the name of your tag and then enter/return on your keyboard.

Example tag

Note: If the filter category options aren't meeting your needs, try out a different item type (see step 4). If none of the item types meet your needs, please let us know what's missing at

7. Repeat steps 2-6 until all of your search and filter items have been created.

Use the widget

Now that you have added search and filter content, you can add the items to your webpage using the search and filter widget.

1. Go to the Pages tab at the top of Sitefinity and select a page to edit.

2. Drag the search and filter widget from the content panel onto the page.

Search and filter widget in content panel of page editing view

3. Select "Edit" at the top right of the search and filter widget.

4. By default, all of your site's search and filter items will display in the widget. Instead, you can select specific search and filter items.

Use the

5. Next, go to the List Settings tab at the top of the window. Here you can adjust the pagination, the sort order of the items, and the template. 

The "search and filter" template allows you to choose between list and card designs. Or you can use the "search and filter accordion" template.

List settings window displaying pagination, sort order, and list template options

6. Select the "List Options" button to add a custom search box label, select the search and filter type, and adjust which fields are displayed.

List options window with the option to enter a search box label, select the content type, select fields to display and additional options.

7. Select the "Filter" button at the bottom of the window for the following settings:

  • Enable the search box
  • Select the search and filter type and which filters to display
  • Select the position of the filter (at the top or to the side of the widget)
  • Display the widget as a list or card design template by default
  • For the card template, select "Make entire card view clickable" to make the entire card a clickable link. The detail page url field must be filled out and CTA buttons will be hidden. Document and email links will still be separately clickable.
Search and filter options and settings that are described above

8. Save your changes.

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