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Faculty Development in International Business: The Great Resilience of ASEAN

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2023 ASEAN Faculty Development in International Business Program
Singapore, Philippines   |   May 15-24, 2023
Partial scholarships available. 
Click here to register

The University of Colorado Denver’s Institute for International Business (IIB) and Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), in collaboration with the CIBERs at Brigham Young University, Florida International University, and University of South Carolina, are pleased to announce the offering of the 2023 ASEAN Faculty Development in International Business Program. The program will be held from May 15-24, 2023 in Singapore and the Philippines. 

Founded in 1967, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) today encompasses Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. This region of 600+ million people is of critical importance to the United States and the global economy.  ASEAN is the world’s 4th largest market, and the United States is ASEAN’s largest source of FDI, while US goods and services trade with ASEAN totaled an estimated $441.7 billion in 2021. More than 6,200 US companies operate in ASEAN (US-ASEAN Relationship, State.gov Fact Sheet, August 3, 2022).

CU Denver’s IIB-CIBER has 25+ years of experience offering FDIB programs focusing on Southeast and East Asia.  These programs have served hundreds of faculty participants from the US and abroad, including faculty from community colleges and minority serving institutions.  For this year’s program, we have selected the theme of ASEAN Resilience, the opportunities and challenges in the region (particularly Singapore and the Philippines), and its implications for US global competitiveness.

Additional information and registration can be found at 

Partial scholarships will be provided to a limited number of participants. Register early to secure your scholarship. These scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Should you need more information about the program, please contact: Karen Freidhof at karen.freidhof@ucdenver.edu

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Institute for International Business

CU Denver

Business School

1475 Lawrence Street

5th Floor, Suites 5204-5208

Denver, CO 80202


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