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Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering and Management

Program Overview

The construction engineering and management bachelor of science at CU Denver is a new type of degree that offers the rigors of engineering problem-solving and design with business and management courses, coupled with construction management courses.

liv lindenberg

Liv Lindenberg

Students receive an innovative interdisciplinary education. The curriculum combines coursework in engineering, construction management, business, and architecture. Graduates find well-paid careers in the expanding industry of architecture, engineering, and construction. The program embraces new concepts like smart cities, connected infrastructure, and evolving value propositions.
The construction engineering and management bachelor of science degree supports the new construction knowledge area within the fundamentals of engineering exam. The program includes a solid foundation of construction engineering and management courses. Additionally, the program has an engineering focus and select courses from business, architecture, and engineering. All students will complete a construction capstone design course. Students are also required to complete at least 12 weeks of a full-time internship. This must be done in architecture, engineering, construction industry, or government agency.

Program Description

Students receive an innovative interdisciplinary education. The curriculum combines coursework in engineering, construction management, business, and architecture. Graduates find well-paid careers in the expanding industry of architecture, engineering, and construction. The program embraces new concepts like smart cities, connected infrastructure, and evolving value propositions.
The construction engineering and management bachelor of science degree supports the new construction knowledge area within the fundamentals of engineering exam. The program includes a solid foundation of construction engineering and management courses. Additionally, the program has an engineering focus and select courses from business, architecture, and engineering. All students will complete a construction capstone design course. Students are also required to complete at least 12 weeks of a full-time internship. This must be done in architecture, engineering, construction industry, or government agency.

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