Happy Summer Reading! Explore International Perspectives
ESL Academy Student Success Stories

Spring semester is in its final stretch, and summer is almost here. Get ready to enjoy a season filled with longer daylight hours, more time for outdoor recreation, and extra moments for catching up on your reading list. That includes a look at the many ways that international students have benefitted from CU Denver’s ESL Academy. Add these to your reading checklist and explore perspectives of students from around the world.
The following student testimonials have not been edited. They are English as a second language writers and they have provided their perspectives in both their L1 (native language) as well as L2 (English).
Juliette Millies
Why did you want to enroll in enroll in the CU Denver ESL Academy?
I wanted to enroll in the ESL Academy because today we have to speak English to have a good master’s, or to have a good job. In France, it is really important to speak another language, and especially English. Moreover, I would like to do a master’s in Tourism Development and to work in Tourism. So I really need to speak English.
I chose the ESL Academy because it prepares you to enter the university, so I knew it would be a good formation.
J’ai voulu intégrer ESL Academy parce que aujourd’hui l’anglais est primordiale pour obtenir un bon master et un bon travail. Il est très important en France de parler une autre langue et spécialement l’anglais. De plus, j’aimerais intégrer un master en développement touristique et travailler dans le Tourisme. Donc j’ai réellement besoin de parler anglais couramment.
J’ai choisis ESL Academy parce que c’est une formation qui prépare à rentrer à l’université, donc je savais que ce serait une formation de qualité.
What advantages are you finding in receiving an education in an urban American environment? Why do you think it’s important to have a global education and a better understanding of another country?
It was an amazing experience for me. First, I lived with a host family. They were the most incredible people. Very kind, helpful and reassuring. I could speak English with them every evening and on the week end. I think it helped me to make more progress.
Secondly, in ESL Academy you meet a lot of foreign students. So, you can share your experience of your cultures and learn about new culture! And in English, of course.
It is very helpful to be in another country to learn a new language. Because you have to speak English every day for everything, so you make a lot of progress! And faster!
And I think it is important to meet people from other cultures and other countries; it is a very big open-mind.
C’était une incroyable expérience pour moi. Premièrement je vivais avec une famille d’accueil. C’était les personnes les plus incroyables. Ils étaient très gentils, ils m’aidaient beaucoup et ils étaient rassurant. Je pouvais parler avec eux tous les soirs et les week-ends. Je pense que cela m’a aidé à faire plus de progrès.
Deuxièmement, à ESL Academy, vous rencontrez beaucoup d’étudiants étrangers. Vous pouvez donc partager vos expériences et apprendre sur de nouvelles cultures. Et tout cela en anglais évidemment. C’est très efficace d’être dans un autre pays pour apprendre un nouveau language. Vous devez parler anglais tous les jours et pour tout, donc vous faites beaucoup de progrès. Et rapidement !
De plus, je pense que c’est important de rencontrer des personnes qui ont différentes cultures et qui viennent de différents pays, c’est une grande ouverture d’esprit.
Following graduation, what would be your “dream job”?
My dream job is to write a Tourism guides. I love traveling and I would like to do this as my job.
Le métier de mes rêves serait d’écrire des guides touristiques. J’adore voyager et j’aimerais en faire mon métier.
Min Park
Describe your most memorable learning experienc
Final presentation is the most memorable learning experience. I was very nervous because I was so scared of speaking in front of so many people. I really wanted to give up when I heard that I should memorize the presentation for 10 minutes. Because I hated talking in front of people, even I was incredibly nervous about just introducing myself. However, I tried to think I would tell my friends what I knew and keep my mind light. Also, I could memorize contents easily because I wrote an essay on the same topic for about two months. After finishing the presentation, I felt a big sense of accomplishment. Even I felt a lot of burden and difficulty having presentations in Korean, and I couldn’t believe I made a presentation in English.
마지막 학기에 한 발표가 가장 기억에 남습니다. 많은 사람 앞에서 말하는 것이 너무 두려워서 정말 긴장을 많이 했습니다. 저는 3분짜리 발표도 엄청나게 긴장을 할 정도로 사람들 앞에서 말하는 것을 극도로 싫어했기 때문에 10분동안 내용을 외워서 발표를 해야한다고 들었을 때 정말로 포기하고 싶었습니다. 하지만 친구들에게 아는 얘기를 해준다고 생각하고 가볍게 마음을 먹으려 노력했습니다. 또한 약 두달간 같은 주제로 에세이도 작성하고 발표 연습도 했기
때문에 내용을 어렵지 않게 외울 수 있었습니다. 친구들과 서로 격려와 응원을 했습니다. 발표를 마치고 큰 성취감을 느꼈습니다. 한국어로 10분동안 발표하는 것 조차도 엄청난 부담감과 어려움을 느끼던 제가 영어로 발표를 해냈다는 것을 믿을 수 없었던 것 같습니다.
Following graduation, what would be your “dream job”?
In South Korea, my major is Chinese in university. Through this major, I learn Chinese conversation, writing, listening skills, and Chinese culture, economy, literature, and history. Also, I chose management degree as my second major, and I learn about marketing, service management, organizational management etc.
My dream job is to be a Chinese translator because it feels attractive to understand and convey foreigners’ words properly. I want to work as a Chinese translator in China or in Korea. And while I was completing ESL program, it was very interesting for me to teach English to foreign students. Therefore, I started to dream that I wanted to become a teacher who teaches Korean in China.
저는 한국에서 중국어학과에 재학중입니다. 이 전공을 통해서 중국어 회화, 작문, 듣기 능력과 중국의 문화, 경제, 문학, 역사에 대해 배웁니다. 또한 저는 복수전공으로 경영학을 선택하였는데, 마케팅, 서비스관리, 조직경영 등에 대해서 배웁니다.
저의 꿈의 직업은 중국어 통역사 입니다. 외국인의 말을 제대로 이해하고 전달하는 직업이 매력적으로 느껴지기 때문입니다. 중국이나 한국에서 중국어 통역사로 활동하고 싶습니다. 그리고 저는 이번 ESL프로그램을 수료하는 동안, 외국인 학생에게 영어를 가르치는 선생님의 직업이 너무나도 흥미로웠습니다. 그래서 저는 중국에서 한국어를 가르치는 선생님이 되고 싶다는 꿈도 가지게 되었습니다.
Ledy Farias Orellana
Awarded $10,000 University pilot scholarship to study at the School of Education and Human Development
What degree program are you pursuing at the University of Colorado Denver? What interests you about this subject area
I am interested to continue studying at the University of Colorado Denver. A week before graduating from level 5 I received the acceptance letter for my master’s degree program which is in Early Child Education. Therefore, I will continue studying for two years. Also, I would like to apply for the business school because I would like to take the certificate in international business.
Estoy interesado en continuar estudiando en la Universidad de Colorado Denver. Una semana antes de graduarme de nivel 5 recibi la carta de aceptacion para un programa de maestria en educacion de la Universidad. Asi que continuare estudiando por dos años mas una maestria en Educacional Inicial y tambien quiero postular a la escuela de negocios para obtener un certificado en negocios internacionales.
What advantages are you finding in receiving an education in an urban American environment? Why do you think it’s important to have a global education and a better understanding of another country?
One of the great advantages of studying in an American urban environment is you learn to handle language more fast and easy because sometimes you have to speak in English to communicate with others. For example, when you go to the doctor, when you go to shopping, when you go to supermarkets. All these things could help me a lot to be able to talk with the same American accent.
I think it is important to have a global education to be able to access better opportunities of work in another language that will help you have a better way of life and learn about new cultures. We know that one of the most important things in life is communication. Because it helps you to understand others, so speaking another idiom can open new opportunities in the globalized world.
Una de las grandes ventajas de estudiar en un entorno urbano Americano que aprendes el idioma de maneja mas rapida y facil ya que estas obligado al hablar el idioma para poder comunicarte en los supermercados, cuando vas al doctor, cuando vas de compras. Lo que ayuda bastante a poder hablar con el mismo acento Americano. Creo que es importante tener una educacion global para poder accede a mejores oportunidades de trabajo en otro idioma, lo que te ayudara a tener un mejor estilo de vida y aprender nuevas culturas. Sabemos que una de las cosas mas importante en la vida es la comunicacion, por lo que sit e comunicas correctamente con otros podras comprender que es lo que piensan y como viven, por lo tanto hablar otro idiom ate abre nuevas oportunidades en un mundo globalizado.
What advice would you give to other international students who are considering studies at the University of Colorado Denver and in the U.S.
The University of Colorado Denver is intensive and a strict institution, but teachers, staffs and classes are really organized. Before enrolling in CU Denver, I was considering if it would be possible to graduate from ESL or not.
However, There was nothing to worry about that because teachers and my friends are sociable and helpful. Also, on every weekend, there is a event from ESL, so you will find new friends and explore interesting new places in Colorado.
ユニバーシティオブコロラドデンバーに入学するまでは、初めての語学留学と言うこともあり、非常に不安でした。実際に入学してからは、先生やスタッフ方、また友達、クラスメイトが色々な場面で助けてくれ、安心して約1年間CU Denverに通う事ができました。また、毎週末にあるイベントは、語学力を向上させ、先生方や、新しい友達と親睦を深める事ができます。イベントもとてもユニークで、ペイントボールやガーデンオブザゴッズでのハイキングなどもあり楽しむ事ができると思います。 もし、ユニバーシティオブコロラドデンバーに入学するのであれば、是非参加してみて下さい。
Describe your most memorable learning experience.
My weak point is speaking, so automatically, speaking and listening class was the hardest for me. Especially, In level 5, we had presentation weekly. However, because of it, I could learn how to present, organize, and attract audiences for my topic. Also, these knowledges can be used for university, and a future job.
International College Beijing
Year-Round Events Enjoyed By ICB Students
Aug 31, 2023Throughout 2023, ICB students are continuing to join in the fun of indoor and outdoor events hosted by the Office of International Affairs (OIA) and CU Denver. In the spring, two hundred thirty students, staff, faculty, and friends recognized the Lunar New Year at an event presented by OIA, the Asian Students Association (ASA), and the Intercultural Club Beijing. The Club’s members act as consultants for International College Beijing (ICB), both for American CU Denver students going to Beijing on study abroad programs and Chinese students coming to CU Denver.... read moreFull story -
Spring in Denver
Apr 22, 2022Spring has arrived in Denver! Blue skies and clean mountain air make it easy for an ICB student to take a study break and step outside for a refreshing walk or bike ride.Full story -
Employment & Learning Opportunities at CU Denver
Apr 22, 2022In the Office of International Affairs, ICB student assistants have helped by providing guidance to other international students about the steps needed for application and admission into the university, and supplying information about visas and immigration processes, travel updates.Full story -
Art Exhibit Inspires Imagination & Critical Thinking Skills
Jan 6, 2022The ICB students found creative inspiration on a visit to the Spectra Art Space, hosted by the Office of International Affairs, where they particularly enjoyed the Nova Ita exhibit.Full story