Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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Prepare for a successful transfer experience.

Transfer Planning

So you’ve done your research and decided that CU Denver may be the place for you and you’re ready to learn how your credits might apply here. Great! Did you know that as a prospective student (meaning you haven’t applied to CU Denver, yet) you're able to schedule a meeting with an academic advisor? While pre-transfer advising is not mandatory, it is an option for you. Transfer Thursday is another great way to connect with us on campus and get answers to all of your questions. While you're here, meet with an Admissions Counselor, take a guided campus tour or schedule a personalized department visit.

Visit Campus

Admissions Counselors

Interested in learning more about CU Denver’s admissions process, admission requirements and programs? Maybe you want to talk to someone about whether CU Denver is the right fit? Admissions Counselors are here for you!

Transfer Thursday

Undergraduate Transfer students are highly encouraged to attend a Transfer Thursday session prior to applying and being admitted. Sessions are held every Thursday with the exception of University holidays and breaks. 

Transfer Thursday provides the following opportunities:

  • Learn more about CU Denver
  • Tour the CU Denver campus
  • Learn about the transfer admission process and next steps
  • Explore academic program/major admissions requirements
  • Meet with your prospective school/college
  • Learn more about funding and scholarship opportunities​
  • Apply to CU Denver

Get Informed

Academic Advising

At CU Denver, we have eight (8) undergraduate advising units who serve our students’ (both current and prospective) advising needs. While some advising offices allow drop-ins others may not —in which case a scheduled appointment is required. As such, an appointment is always strongly recommended.

Schedule your advising appointment early. Advisors’ calendars tend to book quickly, especially during peak registration times.

If you live outside the Denver-metro area, you can inquire with your advising office about possible options for distance advising (phone, e-mail or video). To find the appropriate advising office for you, click here: Find My Advisor.

Paying for College

Whether you need support in applying for financial aid or searching for scholarships, the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office is here to help. Not sure where to start in the process? Check out our transfer student webpage and start planning early to get the best aid available.

Transferring Credit

For an unofficial evaluation of your transfer credit, please bring unofficial transcripts (one copy from each school you attended after high school/GRE) to your pre-transfer advising session.

For an official review of your transfer coursework, you will need to apply to CU Denver and be admitted.

Undergraduate Admissions

CU Denver

Student Commons Building

1201 Larimer Street


Denver, CO 80204


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