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Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Program Overview

Welcome to the home page of CU Denver's Master of Engineering in electrical engineering. This degree is for the student who wants a professional degree with supplemental engineering knowledge in computer sciences, cybersecurity, and business, including a scholarly project and coursework.

photo of Annie Bennett





The MEng in electrical engineering at CU Denver is a broad-based, interdisciplinary degree. It is designed for electrical engineering students who want to further their education in engineering administration, where coursework in business management supplements engineering studies. The students can work in various areas that electrical engineers are trained in. They work as researchers, managers, team leaders, and project developers in these areas and more:

  • Communications and signal processing
  • Controls and signal processing
  • Microelectronics and VLSI
  • Fields, waves and optics
  • Computer engineering and embedded system design
  • Energy and power systems

Why the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program at CU Denver?

The degree is offered at the downtown campus with connections to the leading Industry leaders. Lockheed Martin, Burns and McDonnell, Tesla, Apple, Honeywell, Xcel, Atom, and Coortex are all represented. There are many other leaders of Industry located in Denver.
The MEng in EE prepares professionals who can contribute to advanced engineering solutions. The program trains leaders who can independently assess and communicate technical information with the opportunity to create a project which covers an area of creative investigation.

Program Description

The MEng in electrical engineering at CU Denver is a broad-based, interdisciplinary degree. It is designed for electrical engineering students who want to further their education in engineering administration, where coursework in business management supplements engineering studies. The students can work in various areas that electrical engineers are trained in. They work as researchers, managers, team leaders, and project developers in these areas and more:

  • Communications and signal processing
  • Controls and signal processing
  • Microelectronics and VLSI
  • Fields, waves and optics
  • Computer engineering and embedded system design
  • Energy and power systems

Why the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program at CU Denver?

The degree is offered at the downtown campus with connections to the leading Industry leaders. Lockheed Martin, Burns and McDonnell, Tesla, Apple, Honeywell, Xcel, Atom, and Coortex are all represented. There are many other leaders of Industry located in Denver.
The MEng in EE prepares professionals who can contribute to advanced engineering solutions. The program trains leaders who can independently assess and communicate technical information with the opportunity to create a project which covers an area of creative investigation.

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