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Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering

Program Overview

Designed as a broad-based, interdisciplinary degree for students who want to further their education in electrical engineering in areas such as engineering administration. Coursework in business management logically supplements their engineering studies.

Students pursuing graduate programs in electrical engineering may choose from the following areas of concentration: communications and signal processing, controls and signal processing, microelectronics and VLSI, fields, waves and optics, computer engineering and embedded system design, and energy and power systems.

With the interdisciplinary nature of the program, students complete at least 15 credit hours of 5000-level or above electrical engineering courses, and as many as 15 credit hours outside of engineering, including 3 credit hours of a master of engineering project, which covers an area of creative investigation performed by the student and may relate directly to their professional work.
Program Description
Students pursuing graduate programs in electrical engineering may choose from the following areas of concentration: communications and signal processing, controls and signal processing, microelectronics and VLSI, fields, waves and optics, computer engineering and embedded system design, and energy and power systems.

With the interdisciplinary nature of the program, students complete at least 15 credit hours of 5000-level or above electrical engineering courses, and as many as 15 credit hours outside of engineering, including 3 credit hours of a master of engineering project, which covers an area of creative investigation performed by the student and may relate directly to their professional work.
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