Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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CU Denver Campus Employee Emergency Relief Fund (EERF)

The Employee Emergency Relief fund (EERF) is a resource available for CU Denver Campus faculty and staff dealing with unanticipated events related to emergencies.

The EERF is designed to provide financial assistance for unexpected financial hardships due to emergency situations that have occurred within 30 days of submitting this application. Funds to support this effort are a direct result of fundraising and donations made available from faculty, staff, alumni and university donors in collaboration with the CU Denver Office of Advancement.

A grant of up to $500.00 may be allowed for each emergency situation, and will not exceed $500 per employee, per fiscal year. The actual amount of the financial assistance grant is determined by the Employee Assistance Committee (EAC) and is based on fund availability, an analysis of need, and the severity of the individual’s financial hardship. If the fund is depleted, grants will not be awarded until funds become available again.

Support the CU Denver Campus Employee Emergency Relief Fund

"Need" exists when a CU Denver Campus employee (staff or faculty) lacks resources to purchase the basic necessities of life or meet the contingencies created by an emergency situation which has caused a temporary hardship. 

A temporary financial hardship is one caused by a specific event such as, but not limited to:

  • Death of a family member or a member of the household
  • Serious illness or injury
  • Fire, natural disaster, pandemics such as COVID-19, or other extenuating circumstances that result in loss of household income, loss of housing, or changes in financial circumstances
  • Temporary financial hardship means a hardship event rather than pre-existing financial concerns. Given the limited amount of funds, all requests cannot be approved even though there may be a clear need for assistance. This fund may be insufficient in the case of widespread disasters, community crisis, pandemic, act of war or terrorism.

The following examples are types of emergencies or temporary financial hardships the EAC will consider. Each application will be reviewed on an individual basis. Upon report of such an emergency, the EAC may direct the individual to HR or local community agencies for additional services. Per university policy, situations involving harassment, discrimination, or other circumstances that are reportable under university policy will be referred to the appropriate university office. 

Acceptable situations include: 

  • Natural disaster such as a flood, fire, tornado, earthquake, hurricane, etc.
  • House fires or unusual expenses not covered by insurance
  • Serious illnesses or injuries or death that directly affect the employee
  • Reasonable and necessary personal, family, living or funeral expenses incurred as a result of a qualified disaster
  • Reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for the repair or rehabilitation of a personal residence due to a qualified disaster (a personal residence can be rented or owned)
  • Reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for the repair or replacement of the contents 
  • Medical/Dental Care - Upon recommendation by the EAC, financial assistance up to $500 may be allocated to an eligible employee as a result of extended illness, medical bills and care. Parenting or childcare emergency expenses such as day care fees or home visits by medical professionals.


The EAC will consider each case individually; however, the following are examples of circumstances or events that may not be considered emergencies:

  • Finance a leave of absence or vacation
  • Moving expenses
  • Finance a marriage, divorce, child support, or adoptions (although emergency assistance for needs arising out of a change in marital or parental status may be considered)
  • Pay income taxes or related penalties and interest
  • Debt consolidation/Attorney fees
  • Loans, bankruptcy (foreclosures)
  • Telephone (to include cellphone or internet service)
  • Cable television
  • Payment of creditors (credit cards, or non-sufficient funds) 

Questions? Please contact:

Please refer to the employee eligibility matrix as a reference for qualified employees.

Eligible Employee GroupsNot Eligible 
University StaffTemporary Staff (All categories) 
State Classified StaffStudents (Workers/Employees/Stipend)
Tenure & Non-Tenure Track FacultyScope of Work/Contract Staff
Clinical FacultyVisiting Faculty (All Categories)
Research FacultyAffiliate Faculty (All Categories)
Regular Faculty (Professors & Instructors)Secondary Faculty (All Categories)
Adjunct FacultyPost-Doc Fellows
 Professional Research Assistants (PRAs) and Senior PRAs


Employees will not be taxed on funds awarded but please note, you are required to report this award as income on your tax return.


Eligible applications meet the following criteria: 

  1. Applicant is an active, university, faculty or staff member at the CU Denver campus (student employees may apply for assistance using the Loving Lynx fund). CU Anschutz employees needing assistance can access resources through the Human Resource webpage under the COVID-19 "Additional Resources" tab.
  2. Have a temporary financial hardship because of an emergency situation
  3. Due to limited funds and the EAC’s effort to serve as many employees in need as we can, multiple applications from one individual may not be awarded.  Exceptions may be granted to any of the above requirements with a majority approval by the EAC.

Note: Consolidated employees, if you are on the Downtown Holiday schedule apply through the CU Denver fund, if you are on the CU Anschutz holiday schedule and need assistance, you can access resources through the Human Resources webpage, under the COVID-19 "Additional Resources" tab. 

Individuals who are awarded funds may receive an outreach call from advancement at a later date, to inquire how the fund assisted them during a critical fund.

This fund is designated for current employees only; former employees or employees who are separating from the university (voluntarily or involuntarily) are ineligible. Employees on FMLA, furlough or other university approved leave are considered current employees (if employee is considered active and still being paid).

Questions? Please contact:

Please complete the application form. Only complete applications will be considered by the EAC. If the application form is incomplete a member of the EAC will reach out to the applicant to request additional information. 

Verification of the emergency and the financial hardship is necessary in order to determine need. Documentation or copies of invoices, bills, or other supporting documents that are to be considered should be submitted with the application.

Questions? Please contact:

CU Denver Campus Employee Emergency Relief Fund Application

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