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Students: What You Need to Know About Coronavirus

March 9, 2020 @ 10:45 p.m.

CU Denver students,

As you know, we have not yet had any confirmed cases of the coronavirus on our campus, but we are proactively taking measures to ensure we are prepared for any eventuality.  The following is important information you need to know about the coronavirus and related policies here at CU Denver. Please read this carefully, and continue to check the COVID-19 website for regular updates: 

  • If you are exposed to COVID-19: The university is following the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) recommendations for exposure. These guidelines identify what steps you should take if you are exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case. CDC identifies low, medium, and high categories of risk. At this point, Colorado public health officials are contacting those who have had known contact with persons confirmed with COVID-19. If a public health official contacts you, please do the following:
    • Let your faculty members know immediately
    • Follow the public health agency’s recommendations.
    • Submit a case report to the university via the Maxient website.
    • If you need to self-quarantine, please see the COVID-19 website for guidance.
  • If you have symptoms: Tell your faculty members and call the Denver Public Health Epi Line at 303-602-3614. Someone on that line will be able to offer guidance and direct you to healthcare. If you get sick with fever (100.4°F/38°C or higher), cough, or have trouble breathing:
    • Do not come to campus.
    • Seek medical care. Call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room.
    • Avoid contact with others.
  • Attendance policies if you are sick: We have asked faculty to modify their attendance policies as needed so students who are sick are not penalized when they stay home as directed. If you are sick, notify your faculty members that you are not able to attend class. We will all work with you on alternatives.
  • Alternative delivery methods for classes: We are working with faculty to provide alternative delivery methods for classes as soon as possible, either online or via Zoom. Please ask your faculty members about these options.
  • University-related student international travel: Student international travel is suspended for spring semester courses unless authorization is received by the provost. This does not include students on trips that have already started. A decision on international travel for future semesters will be made as the situation develops. If an international trip is canceled, the participants will be contacted directly by the university.
  • Student personal travel: We strongly encourage students to limit personal travel, both domestic and international; please keep this in mind with the upcoming spring break.
  • Badges: Please make sure your CU Denver Lynx Card building-access badge is up to date with proper permissions. This will be very important in the event of any building closures. To check your badge status, email or call 303-315-7777.
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