Clarifications to remote learning, change to events policy

March 11, 2020 @ 5:59 p.m.

We are writing with clarifications to today’s earlier message on our transition to remote teaching and learning, and to inform you of CU Denver’s updated events policy.


Remote teaching and learning:

  • The next couple of weeks are planned for testing of remote course delivery. This means that some courses may be transitioned to remote learning before March 30. Students should check with their instructor/professor regarding when each particular course will make this transition. Full implementation is expected by Monday, March 30.
  • The transition to remote learning and teaching does not mean that all students can choose when they attend their classes. Some classes will be synchronous (meaning the class will meet at its regular time, but remotely—possibly, for example, via Zoom or conference call) and others will be asynchronous (more like we traditionally think of online courses, where generally you can do your work at your convenience, while meeting  specific deadlines). Once again, students should check with their instructor/professor regarding these details.

Student employees:

  • The campus remains open until further notice. Student employees—just like any other staff member—should continue reporting to work. They should also discuss with their supervisors how to perform their work if their unit moves to working remotely.  

University Events Policy – Updated March 11

Effective immediately, schools/colleges, departments, programs, and units are prohibited from holding gatherings of 75 people or more until further notice. These events should be cancelled, postponed, or conducted in a "virtual" way that does not bring large groups of guests and members of the CU Denver community together in person in a single venue. This includes on-campus and off-campus events sponsored by the university (including university-sponsored events at CU South Denver), as well as campus visits. To request an exception, please contact the Chancellor's Office at

Classes will continue, regardless of size, as they are core to our academic mission. As noted in the remote teaching and learning announcement and the above clarification, we are in the process of transitioning to fully remote teaching and learning by March 30, after which point classes will no longer be held on campus until further notice.

After March 30, all events, gatherings, campus visits, regardless of size, will be cancelled until further notice.

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