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For Researchers: Campus COVID-19 Research Reconstitution Plan

April 24, 2020 @ 12:04 p.m.

Dear Research Community Colleagues,

As noted by Chancellor Elliman in his recent announcement, we are planning now for a gradual increase of research activity on campus. While there will continue to be new developments and evolving plans, we wanted to share some additional information on our current strategies for increasing basic/laboratory and vivarium research (specific strategies regarding other types of research, including human subject protocols will be announced separately).

In order to reconstitute onsite research, we must maintain social/physical distancing, and continue to prioritize the health and safety of our research community. Please note, any work that can be done remotely, will continue to be done remotely.  

A Research Reconstitution Group has been created to guide and implement a plan accomplishing this goal. This group will consult and advise with Research Administration, Facilities, the Office of Information Technology, Environmental Health and Safety, and the Police Department to ensure support services are in place for restarting activities and providing input weekly.  

We are following a phased-in approach for return to onsite research for basic/laboratory and vivarium research that will be guided by best practices. We are currently in phase 0 of this process. We anticipate moving to phase 1 next week. Announcements regarding these phase transitions will be forthcoming.  

Before returning to work:

  • A COVID-19 official will be identified for each floor (or other designated space).
  • Each floor will have a research plan for maintaining social distancing in the labs and common areas approved by both the COVID-19 official and research administration.
  • Employees must be on the Critical Access list and be contacted by their supervisor before granted approval to return to work.
  • Employees must complete the online training course, entitled Return to Campus, which can be accessed via Skillsoft in the University portal once we enter phase 1 of research reconstitution.
  • In the Return to Campus course, you will find:
    • Your individual responsibilities and the required actions before returning to campus.
    • What to expect when you arrive on campus.
    • Personal and area hygiene actions you must take on campus.
    • What to do if you, a coworker, or classmate becomes sick. 
    • Additional campus resource listings including the most up-to-date information.

We appreciate your collaboration in this effort. This is a new environment for us and other research institutions across the country. We are confident that we can move forward, with the research community’s engagement and support. For full details, please review the first version of the Campus COVID-19 Research Reconstitution plan.


Thomas Flaig, MD
Vice Chancellor for Research
University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus

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Dorothy Horrell

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