students working on designs at desk

The Presidential Initiative is intended to foster excellence and preeminence in urban and place-based research and creative work at CU Denver through offering funding, coordinating faculty across campus, communicating outcomes, enabling connections with partners in the community, and serving as a resource for sharing data and best practices. In so doing, it is intended to both increase the impact of CU Denver’s urban and place-based research and creative work, and to attract and fund faculty and students interested in this domain. While focused on urban issues generally, the Initiative emphasizes work relevant to the Front Range, particularly when it has implications nationally or internationally.

The Initiative funds projects that address critical and timely topics related to cities, such as:  Social and Environmental Justice, Equity and Inclusion, Affordable Housing, Plan Making, Public Spaces, Global Cities, Smart Cities, Urban Informatics, Artificial Intelligence for Cities, Infrastructure, Transportation and Mobility, Climate Adaptation, Green Infrastructure, Air and Water Quality, Urban Ecology, Biomimicry, Green Real Estate Development, Public Health, Water and Energy Use, Natural Hazards Mitigation, Environmental Policy, Public Finance, Historic Preservation, Creative Industries, Placemaking, Community Development, Arts and Urban Revitalization, Healthcare Access, Economic Development, Behavioral Economics, Education Policy and Practice, Public Policy and Governance, Public Safety, Public Engagement, Entrepreneurship, Urban Design, Construction Management, and much more.

The 2021 Request for Proposals for seed grants  is now closed. Full descriptions of the projects awarded in the 2020 round of funding are given from the links below.

2021 Award Recipients

2020 Award Recipients

CAMunity: A Student-Led Pilot Project to Provide Local Musicians with the Opportunity to Learn and Thrive as Leaders within Their Community

Date: 10/1/2020
CAM partners
Principal Researchers: Storm Gloor

Unit: Department of Music and Entertainment Industry Studies

Project Abstract:
The primary goal of the CAMunity pilot project is to advance urban creative work and provide a music business and arts leadership training program for Denver musicians who might not have the means to such professional development. The program will enhance their knowledge of the business of music while providing training in leadership, advocacy, and networking in order to support their growth not only as professional musicians but as leaders and agents of change within their community. A secondary goal is to provide CU Denver students with a unique research earning project that will benefit their local community. CU Denver students and the principal investigator will develop a ten-week music business and leadership program as the core deliverable of this project. Area musicians will be invited to apply to participate, free of charge, in a cohort that will engage in various topic-oriented sessions led by CU Denver students, CAM faculty, and various music community leaders and partners. If the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing and/or applicable health and safety mandates are still in place one month prior the beginning of the program, sessions will be held virtually until further notice.

The research will be intended to investigate the viability of this type of program within a community and determine the cultural, social, and economic impact it may have on the creative industries sector. The research component of the CAMunity project would include nts. It would begin in mid-September, 2020, and conclude in April of 2021.

View project updates from the 2021 Fall Research Showcase [PDF]

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