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Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Arts, Art History Emphasis

Program Overview

Familiarizes students with a range of developments in the history of art and contemporary art while developing skills in critical thinking, writing, research, and the study of artworks.

The art history emphasis familiarizes students with a range of developments in the history of art while developing skills in critical thinking, writing, research and the study of artworks. After an introduction to the canonical traditions of art and architecture, students take advanced lecture courses on specific subjects. This curriculum concludes with capstone seminars on the methods of art historical scholarship as well as a thesis project.
Program Description
The art history emphasis familiarizes students with a range of developments in the history of art while developing skills in critical thinking, writing, research and the study of artworks. After an introduction to the canonical traditions of art and architecture, students take advanced lecture courses on specific subjects. This curriculum concludes with capstone seminars on the methods of art historical scholarship as well as a thesis project.
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