We are the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness for the
University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus.
Our mission is to support data-informed decision making across the institution by providing data and analyses that are accessible, objective and actionable.
OIRE specializes in data collection, reporting, analysis and visualization. We engage with leadership, academic departments, administrative units and student service areas to provide decision support and promote success within our campus community.
Quick Facts by Campus
Find some of our most requested academic statistics regarding admissions, enrollment, degrees, student success rates and more.
Institutional Data
Explore high level data and information for CU Denver | Anschutz, such as the Common Data Set, comparisons to peer institutions, rankings and more.
Headcount Enrollment
Interact with enrollment data to get a snapshot for a single term or demographic and trend information at the campus, school/college and department levels.
Student Success
Explore nationally-defined retention and graduation rates with demographic and trend information at the campus, school/college and departmental levels.
Faculty & Staff Data
View dashboards and reports related to faculty and staff. Here you can find employee headcounts, diversity data, FCQ information and more.
Additional Student Data
Learn more about our students and the reporting options available to campus data users. Here you can find additional dashboards related to our students.