Announcement: Colorado Transfer Free Application Days

 From Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 application fees are waived for transfer students. Learn more and apply.

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The University of Colorado Denver Provost’s Award for Excellence in Practices Related to Instructional, Research, and Clinical Faculty (IRCF) is awarded to an academic unit for demonstrated excellence in practices regarding IRCF that supports the mission of the CU Denver Campus. This award is intended to recognize and support a specific area of best practice within a unit with regard to any level of IRCF, including overall, Clinical Teaching Track Faculty, Principal Instructors, Senior Instructors, Instructors, and/or Lecturers. The award includes a $2,500 stipend designed to support the ongoing development and advancement of IRC faculty within the unit.

Who is eligible ?

Candidates for the Provost’s Award are academic units on the CU Denver Campus. The academic unit can be a school or college, library, department, area, program, or center. Academic units are not eligible to receive the award in consecutive years.

Selection Process

UCDALI will announce the annual call for nominees before Winter Break. UCDALI is also responsible for assembling the selection committee. The current structure of the application review committee is:

  • One representative from the UCDALI Executive Committee
  • Four IRCF, each from a different school/college/library
  • One tenured or tenure-track faculty representative (appointed by the Faculty Assembly, the representative can rotate each year)
  • IRCF members of the previously awarded unit will be invited to serve on the selection committee for the subsequent year

Questions about the awards, or the nomination and review process, should be directed to the Office of Faculty Affairs, 303-315-2107. 

Past Award Recipients and Excellent Practices

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