Oct. 15 to Oct. 17, 2024: Colorado Free Application Days

Submit your application to CU Denver between Oct. 15 and 17 and your $50 application fee will be waived.

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Meet our SPARK Fellows

Dr. Park

Daewon Park, PhD

Microbicidal Polymer Spray

Tegsal is developing an antimicrobial polymer platform technology. They recently completed an NSF I-Corps cohort, which led to significant validation of commercial potential of their technology. Currently, they are investigating the applicability and impact of their technology across multiple clinical areas of interest, including as a multi-modal wound dressing prehospital trauma and combat casualty care. Collaborators: Luke Duncan, MS, MBA, Elizabeth Schiesser, MSc and Barry Marston

Learn more about Dr. Park

CU Innovations

CU Anschutz

Anschutz Health Sciences Building

1890 N Revere Ct

Suite 6202

Mail Stop F411

Aurora, CO 80045


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