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Bachelor of Arts to Master of Arts in Political Science (4+1)

Program Overview

Allows for students to complete a BA and an MA in political science in as little as five years. Students may take graduate-level courses during undergraduate study. This program is intended for outstanding students who have demonstrated graduate-level academic ability and graduate-quality work as undergraduates.

The 4+1 accelerated Master's program in Political Science is an expedited program of study that allows students to complete a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in Political Science in as few as 5 years. Students interested in participating would apply into the Master's program during their first semester of junior year standing as an undergraduate. Upon acceptance, students would take several graduate-level courses during the second semester of their junior year and during their senior year. These classes would "double count," satisfying requirements for both the BA major and the Master's degree in political science. This program is intended for outstanding undergraduate political science majors who have graduate-level skills and can do graduate-quality work as undergraduates, and is thus not appropriate for all majors; students would therefore have to apply and be accepted into the program.
Program Description
The 4+1 accelerated Master's program in Political Science is an expedited program of study that allows students to complete a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in Political Science in as few as 5 years. Students interested in participating would apply into the Master's program during their first semester of junior year standing as an undergraduate. Upon acceptance, students would take several graduate-level courses during the second semester of their junior year and during their senior year. These classes would "double count," satisfying requirements for both the BA major and the Master's degree in political science. This program is intended for outstanding undergraduate political science majors who have graduate-level skills and can do graduate-quality work as undergraduates, and is thus not appropriate for all majors; students would therefore have to apply and be accepted into the program.
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