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Economics MA/Mathematics MS Dual Degree

Program Overview

The fields of mathematics and economics are inextricably linked. In economics, mathematics and statistics are used extensively in theory construction, tests of existing theories and discovery of regularities to inform new theories. Economics also gives mathematicians/statisticians new challenges, new outlets and new ideas to incorporate in mathematics.

The fields of mathematics and economics are inextricably linked. In economics, mathematics and statistics are used extensively in theory construction, tests of existing theories and discovery of regularities to inform new theories. Economics also gives mathematicians/statisticians new challenges, new outlets and new ideas to incorporate in mathematics. These complementarities have long been recognized and economics graduate students have always been advised to take advanced courses in statistics. Having an MA degree in economics and an MS degree in Applied Math will make a student highly employable in the job market and provide them an edge in applying for elite PhD programs. A "dual" degree means that students who complete the program earn two master's degrees: M.A. in economics and M.S. in applied mathematics. Students interested in completing the dual degree in economics and applied mathematics must apply separately to each program, meet the admission requirements of each program, and be accepted by each program. If one program accepts a student for the dual degree but the other program does not, then the student may not graduate under the dual degree program. Students may apply to both programs at the same time or apply to the economics program first, and then to the applied math program after their first semester, or vice versa. Both programs must be completed in the same semester to take advantage of the dual degree program.
Program Description
The fields of mathematics and economics are inextricably linked. In economics, mathematics and statistics are used extensively in theory construction, tests of existing theories and discovery of regularities to inform new theories. Economics also gives mathematicians/statisticians new challenges, new outlets and new ideas to incorporate in mathematics. These complementarities have long been recognized and economics graduate students have always been advised to take advanced courses in statistics. Having an MA degree in economics and an MS degree in Applied Math will make a student highly employable in the job market and provide them an edge in applying for elite PhD programs. A "dual" degree means that students who complete the program earn two master's degrees: M.A. in economics and M.S. in applied mathematics. Students interested in completing the dual degree in economics and applied mathematics must apply separately to each program, meet the admission requirements of each program, and be accepted by each program. If one program accepts a student for the dual degree but the other program does not, then the student may not graduate under the dual degree program. Students may apply to both programs at the same time or apply to the economics program first, and then to the applied math program after their first semester, or vice versa. Both programs must be completed in the same semester to take advantage of the dual degree program.
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