CU Anschutz CARE Team

Campus Assessment, Response, & Evaluation (CARE)

If this is an emergency or imminent concern, please call 911 or University Police at 303-724-4444, and then submit a Student Outreach and Support Referral form.​​


The Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team is committed to improving campus safety and student success by evaluating individuals that may pose a safety risk to themselves or others. The team coordinates with students, faculty, and staff as well as concerned others to identify, assess, and intervene with individuals of concern.

The Care Team Strives To

  • Provide early assistance to individuals in distress or at risk of harming themselves or others
  • Help prevent situations of concern from escalating
  • Ensure the well-being and safety of the university community
  • Work collaboratively with faculty, staff, administration, and concerned others
  • Educate the campus community about identifying concerning behaviors
  • Create a campus culture that fosters sharing concerns

What to Refer

Worried about at student? Noticing changes in their behavior? Not sure how to approach them? The CARE Team is here to help.

Deciding when to intervene and when to refer can be confusing. It is always better to be cautious and report behaviors you think may be of concern.

If there is an imminent danger to the safety of the student or others call 911 or the CU Anschutz Police Department at 303-724-4444

Concerning behaviors include, but are not limited to:
  • Clear signs of distress
  • Erratic behavior
  • Paranoia
  • Threatening words or actions
  • Violent or aggressive behavior
  • Classroom disruptions
  • Excessive absenteeism
  • Lack of responsiveness
  • Lack of emotional expression
  • Relationship violence
  • Isolation from others
  • Writings that convey clear intentions to harm oneself or others
  • Threats, gestures, ideations, and attempts of suicide
  • Observed self-injurious behavior (such as cutting or burning)
  • Extreme rudeness or insubordination toward university officials
  • Threatening posts on social media
  • Overreaction to changes in policies/procedures
  • Extreme or sudden changes in behavior
When in doubt, submit a report​ or call 303-724-8488 for consultation.​

Additional Resources

Office of Student Affairs

CU Anschutz

Education II North

13120 East 19th Avenue


Aurora, CO 80045


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