Increase your Market Intelligence with Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes
How can market intelligence help you in your work?
Jeremy Lingle, PhD | Division for Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy Feb 13, 2023The US Census Bureau has provided public access to an experimental data explorer of Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes (PSEO). This tool matches data from university transcripts with a national database of jobs to provide information about our graduates, such as earnings, industry of employment, and geographic region post-graduation. This information is provided per selected institution and overarching program. An example Sankey diagram from this tool is provided as an example below:
Source: Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes Explorer
This example selection is from CU Denver’s Baccalaureate program related to the CIP-code family “Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services.” Here we can see that, five years post-graduation, 83% of our graduates have remained in Colorado, with the largest groups working in either the Finance and Insurance industry (18%) or Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (16%). This information can be valuable for informing decisions regarding course offerings and content, microcredential creation, interdisciplinary partnerships, and marketing decisions, to name a few. If this is an area of interest, our Market Intelligence team here at TIPS has access to additional tools that can provide more granular views into similar outcomes of your graduates.