Define, Refine and Design: A Collaborative Approach for Introducing Microcredentials to Your Learning Ecosystem
Learn more about what our TIPS team leaders are doing for Microcredentials and what this means for our campus.
Jeremy Lingle, PhD | Division for Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy Katie Linder, PhD | Division for Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy Jason Drysdale, EdD | Division for Teaching Innovation and Program Strategy Aug 14, 2023
Discover insights from our team leaders' latest article, "Define, Refine and Design: A Collaborative Approach for Introducing Microcredentials to Your Learning Ecosystem" now accessible on EvoLLLution.
The collaborative and ambitious efforts over this past year on microcredentials and badging at CU Denver are gaining some visibility. While work will continue throughout the new academic year, we are off to a strong start because of the outstanding contributions and collaborations of our faculty and staff!
To learn more about this transformative movement, explore the full article. Its insights promise to ignite discussions about the future of education and the exciting prospects that microcredentials offer. More opportunities to get involved are on the way!