Fall SWAAAC Initiatives Make a Difference
Supporting Colorado's School-Based Assistive Technology Teams with Training, Collaboration, and Resources
Aug 30, 2024
The school year is already in full swing, and the StateWide Assistive Technology Augmentative and Alternative Communication (SWAAAC) program at the Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE) is busy planning professional development opportunities, improving the SWAAAC Assistive Technology Loan Library, and supporting school-based assistive technology teams across Colorado through consultation and collaboration. SWAAAC is funded by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and aims to empower school teams with the tools and resources to support students' assistive technology needs.
Colorado Assistive Technology Expo Recap
The recent Colorado Assistive Technology Expo was a success, with 28 vendors showcasing their devices and services to 200+ attendees. These included school-based providers and educators, early intervention providers, rehab providers, disability service reps from higher education, individuals with disabilities, caregivers, students, and more.
Upcoming Fall Professional Development
Other professional development opportunities this fall will include monthly webinars and training on topics such as Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) and Eye Gaze, assistive technology for science and social studies, supporting literacy learning for middle and high school students with complex communication needs, and exploring iPad accessibility features. Details and registration information can always be found on our SWAAAC Events webpage. Stay tuned as we continue to plan and announce spring professional development opportunities.
SWAAAC Assistive Technology Loan Library
SWAAAC also manages an assistive technology loan library with over 2,400 items available for school teams to borrow for assessment, trials, and staff learning purposes. Almost all categories of assistive technology are available, from low-tech to high-tech options. SWAAAC carefully curates kits of materials that support specific activities and trials, such as literacy kits and switch kits. Browse our online loan library catalog today or share this information with a school-based provider or educator you know.
Author: Claire Simpson, MSOT
The SWAAAC program, managed by CIDE at CU Denver and funded by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), aims to support school-based assistive technology teams across Colorado. To learn more about SWAAAC and its resources, visit www.swaaac.org, or contact SWAAAC Program Coordinator, Christina Perkins.