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Chancellor's Communiqué

Bias, Civility, and Equity at CU Denver, 3-15-2016

Dear members of the CU Denver community,

The past few weeks have seen incidents of incivility and disrespect played out nationally and even on our own campus, with an incident yesterday in which a Metro State student was subjected to an alleged bias-related crime. 

While CU Denver fully supports free speech and the rights of all to express their views, it is incumbent upon each of us to do our part in creating the kind of climate we want to have here: one of respect, civility and inclusion. Not only should we not participate in acts that violate this ethic, but I would also assert that we have a responsibility to act when we see them being perpetrated.

There are a number of resources available on campus designed to help prevent acts of bias and provide education and assistance. The CU Denver Bias Response team is working to increase institutional awareness of bias-related incidents that affect our community. The team also provides support to people impacted by bias-related behavior, offering students an opportunity to talk, get information or file a report. Its website provides a list of campus resources you can access. Another resource available for students, staff and faculty is our Office of Equity (formerly the Title IX Office). The staff in this office work with people who have experienced discrimination and/or harassment based on a protected identity, and offer a number of resolution options.

While I’m still relatively new on campus, the vast majority of what I have observed demonstrates a deep, shared commitment to CU Denver being a place that values, welcomes and celebrates diversity—in all its forms. Cultivating and sustaining such a climate depends on each of us. Thank you for what you are doing and will continue to do in this regard.

Dorothy Horrell signature

Dorothy Horrell

Chancellor’s Office

CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street

Suite 1400

Denver, CO 80204


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